Electronic Participation Policy


In the context of enhancing the role of electronic community participation, the Authority has adopted the electronic participation regulation issued by the Digital Government Authority. To view the document, . To view the document, .

In order to maximize the benefits of implementing the concept of electronic community participation, the Authority of People with Disability (APD) emphasizes the importance of users adhering to the available electronic participation channels on the platform. This is to ensure the submission of constructive feedback and comments that contribute to the development of operations and the enhancement of services provided by the APD. In this regard, a set of standards and regulations has been established for all comments submitted through the electronic participation channels. These contributions are reviewed prior to publication, and the platform management reserves the right to withhold any comments deemed inappropriate.

Key Objectives Behind the Implementation of the Concept of Electronic Community Participation:

• Strengthening the role of the community, across all its segments and groups (business sector and individuals), to foster greater interaction and participation in decision-making processes and in enhancing the quality of government services.

• Promoting transparency regarding information of public interest through surveys, blogs, polls, and the publication of the results from these channels.

• Providing a range of electronic participation channels and facilitating their accessibility by offering direct links and comprehensive descriptions for each.


  Key Standards for Publishing Comments and Participations:

• Commenters must refrain from using inappropriate or offensive language.

• Comments should be focused on the subject matter under discussion.

• Personal criticism that does not contribute to enriching the idea being discussed should be avoided.

• Participations and contributions should avoid sectarianism, racism, and any form of divisive discourse.

• When citing a Quranic verse or religious opinions, utmost care must be taken, and such topics should only be addressed by qualified experts.

• Participants are prohibited from disrespecting religions, religious practices, or sharing content that may provoke sectarian disputes.

• Personal information, including contact details, should not be shared.